Final Fantasy VIII is one of the most popular video games of all time, and its characters are some of the most memorable and well-loved in the series. Here are 15 of the best, based on your votes! 15. Cloud Strife – Cloud Strife is a young man who has been through a lot in his life, including being forced into slavery, being turned into a monster, and finally finding his way back to civilization. He’s an independent spirit who never gives up on anything, even when it seems impossible. 14. Sephiroth – Sephiroth is an evil genius who has caused untold destruction in the world. He’s a powerful sorcerer with a dark side that wants to rule the world with his own hands. He’s one of the most iconic and well-loved characters in the game, and he’s easily one of the best villains in any video game ever made. 13. Tidus – Tidus is a young man who has spent his whole life trying to find his place in society. He’s an average looking guy with no special talents or abilities, but he’s determined to make a difference in the world and help people whenever he can. He’s one of the most popular characters in Final Fantasy VIII, and he always seems to have something interesting to say or do! 12. Yuffie Kisaragi – Yuffie Kisaragi is an airhead girl who gets herself into all sorts of trouble by trying to be cool or popular instead of following her heart. She’s always up for some mischief, and she’s one of the most memorable characters in Final Fantasy VIII for her unique personality and hilarious moments! 11. Cecil – Cecil is an old man who has been living alone since before Final Fantasy VII started happening (he was actually kidnapped by SOLDIERs). He’s got a wisdom beyond his years that helps him out during these difficult times, and he always seems like he