Fallout 3 is a game that has been around for a while now, and with it comes a wealth of mods that can be installed to make the experience even better. Whether you’re looking for new weapons or gun mods to give your character an edge in combat, these 15 mods are worth checking out.

  1. The Pitt: This mod adds a new area to Fallout 3, complete with new enemies and quests.
  2. Better Vampires: This mod makes vampires more powerful and interesting, adding new abilities and weaknesses to the game.
  3. More Perks: This mod adds more perks to the game, giving players more options when it comes to character development.
  4. No More Glowing Eyes: This mod removes the glowing eyes effect from NPCs, making them look more realistic and human-like.
  5. More Power Armor: This mod increases the power armor stats of all characters in the game by 50%.
  6. No Reloading During Combat: This mod disables reloading during combat, allowing players to focus on fighting instead of reloading their guns constantly. ..