In the world of Skyrim, there are many things that can heal and restore. Whether you’re looking for a quick fix or something that will last for a while, these spells will have you feeling better in no time.

  1. Healing Touch: This spell is perfect for when you’ve taken damage and need to quickly recover. It will heal you and any nearby allies, as well as remove any harmful effects from you or them.
  2. Regeneration: This spell is great for when you’ve taken a lot of damage and need to quickly get back on your feet. It will heal you over time, as well as give you a bit of extra health so that you can continue fighting.
  3. Restoration: This spell is perfect if you want to restore someone else’s health completely. It will remove all harmful effects from them, as well as heal them up completely.
  4. Resurrection: If someone has died in Skyrim, this is the spell for them! Resurrection will bring them back to life, fully healed and ready to fight again!
  5. Soul Trap: If someone has hurt your feelings or done something wrong, this spell is perfect for taking revenge on them! Soul Trap will trap their soul inside an object, making it difficult for them to hurt others ever again! ..