Pokémon GO is a great game for anyone who loves to play with their friends, but if you’re looking for the best baby Pokémon to add to your collection, there are plenty of options out there. Here are the ten best baby Pokémon for a cuteness overdose. 10. Espeon Espeon is a Psychic-type baby Pokémon that can learn the move Baton Pass. This allows it to use its psychic power to transfer items from one party member’s hand to another party member’s hand, making it perfect for sharing items and strategies with your friends. Espeon is also very easy to train and has high stats, making it an ideal starter for any new player or beginner. 9. Machamp Machamp is a powerful and versatile baby Pokémon that can learn the move Dragon Claw. This attack allows Machamp to hit multiple targets at once with its powerful claws, making it perfect for taking down tough opponents or defending yourself from attackers. Machamp is also very easy to train and has high stats, making it an ideal starter for any new player or beginner. 8. Gyarados Gyarados is a water type baby Pokémon that can learn the move Hydro Pump. This attack allows Gyarados to shoot water out of its mouth at high speeds, dealing damage and stunning enemies in its way. Gyarados is also very easy to train and has high stats, making it an ideal starter for any new player or beginner. 7. Snorlax Snorlax is a bulky baby Pokémon that can learn the move Sleep Talk which allows it to fall asleep without being disturbed by other players or enemies during the night time period (meaning you can take advantage of this when training). Snorlax also has high stats which makes it an ideal starter for any new player or beginner who wants strong early-game defenses against enemy attacks. 6. Alakazam Alakazam is a Psychic-type baby