There’s no denying that zombies have become a popular and well-known genre in anime and manga over the years. Whether it’s the undead characters roaming the streets in “Zombie” or the more comedic moments where they team up with humans to take on evil, zombies have always been a popular choice for anime and manga fans. So, what makes a good zombie-themed anime or movie? Well, there are many factors to consider, but some of the most important ones include:

  1. The Zombies themselves – Are they realistic and scary enough? Are they well-drawn and interesting enough to keep you interested throughout? If not, you may want to look elsewhere.
  2. The setting – Is it an apocalyptic world where everything is gone? A small town that’s been overrun by zombies? Or is it something more unique and exciting like a small town in Japan that’s been turned into a zombie-infested wasteland? It all matters!
  3. The characters – Are they likable enough so you want to keep watching? Do they have interesting backstories that make them stand out from other characters in the same series or movie? These are all important factors when it comes to making a good zombie-themed anime or movie.