Adobe Illustrator is a great program for creating illustrations and graphics. However, sometimes you may want to add gradients and patterns to your illustrations. Here’s how:
- Open Illustrator and click on the File menu.
- Choose New File…
- Type in a name for your new file, such as Gradient Pattern or Gradient Stroke.
- Click on the OK button to create the file.
- In the left-hand panel of your new file, you’ll see a list of tools that Illustrator offers for creating gradients and patterns. These tools include: Gradient Tool, Pattern Tool, RadialGradient Tool, Ellipse Tool, PolygonalGradient Tool, and VibrantGradient Tool.
- To create a gradient or pattern using one of these tools, simply drag it from one corner of your canvas to another corner; or use the arrow keys to move it around the canvas (or use the mouse). Be sure to release the mouse button when you’re finished!