There are a lot of ways to draw things out on paper, but one way to get really creative is to try drawing things out to scale. This means drawing everything from small details to entire scenes or worlds. It can be a fun way to explore your ideas and see what looks good on paper. If you’re not sure how to do this, there are plenty of tutorials and online resources available. Here’s one example: To start, you’ll need some basic tools and supplies. You’ll need an Illustrator software program, a pencil, paper, and some scissors. First, create a new document in Illustrator. Name the document “Can You Draw To Scale?” Once you’ve created the document, open it up and start drawing! Start by drawing the basic shapes for your world: circles, squares, triangles, etc. Once you’ve got those basics down, start adding in more detail: trees with leaves and branches reaching out into the sky; buildings with their windowsill views; people walking around; animals playing in their yards or fields; etc. Once you’ve got all of your basic shapes down, it’s time to start working on the details! Start by adding in any details that you think will make your world more interesting: trees with leaves that move or change color; buildings with different levels of detail inside (e.g., stories or balconies); people walking around with their hands held up in front of them; animals playing in their yards or fields; etc. Once you’ve added all of these details, it’s time to start working on the colors! Add any colors that you think will look good together (e.g., green for trees/branches/leaves), and add any other colors that you think will help set your world apart from other similar documents (e.g., red for blood). Once everything is set up correctly and looking nice, save your document as “Can You Draw To Scale?”