If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think much about aligning your car door. After all, it’s just a simple task that most of us take for granted. But if you’re like me, you might have noticed that your car door doesn’t always close properly. The problem is usually due to misalignment of the hinge pins. To fix the problem, all you need to do is adjust the hinge pins until the door closes perfectly. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the door and locate the two hinge pins on either side of the door handle. The pins should be about 1 inch apart from each other.
  2. Loosen both of the hinge pin screws with a Phillips head screwdriver (or a similar tool). Be careful not to lose these screws! You’ll need them later on.
  3. Align one of the hinge pins with one of the screw holes on either side of the handle and tighten down both screws using a Phillips head screwdriver (or a similar tool). Be sure to use enough torque so that the pin doesn’t move around – you don’t want it coming loose again! Repeat this step for the other side.
  4. Close and lock your car door using your key fob or remote control. You’re done! ..