If you’re like most car enthusiasts, you love tinkering with your vehicles. Maybe you’ve replaced a blown headlight with a new LED unit, or fixed a dent with some Gorilla Glue. But what about fixing things that go wrong? One of the most common repairs is replacing the front shock absorbers. Shock absorbers are important because they help to reduce the impact when your car hits a bump in the road. If your shocks are worn out, they can cause your car to bounce around and make it difficult to drive. Fortunately, replacing front shock absorbers is an easy repair in Car Mechanic Simulator 2018. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the hood of your car and locate the two bolts that hold on the front bumper cover. Remove these bolts and set them aside.
  2. Next, remove the bumper cover by pulling it off of the car. You’ll see two shock absorber mounts on either side of the engine bay. Remove these mounts by unscrewing them using a Phillips head screwdriver (or a similar tool). Be careful not to lose any screws!
  3. Now you’ll need to remove the shocks from each side of the car. To do this, first remove each bolt that holds them in place (you should have four total). Once these bolts are removed, use a wrench to twist each shock free from its mountings. Be sure to wear gloves and eye protection when doing this – shocks can be very dangerous if they’re not handled correctly!
  4. Once both shocks are free, place them on some newspapers or cardboard so they don’t get damaged while you move them to where you want them installed on your new bumper cover. You can also use some packing foam or rubber bands to secure them in place while you’re installing them on your new bumper cover. Make sure all four mounting bolts are replaced before reinstalling everything else – they can be tricky to find ..