In Grand Theft Auto 5, there are a variety of ways to adjust the car’s suspension to create a more comfortable ride. One way is to adjust the car’s camber. This adjustment affects how the car leans when you drive, and can make it more or less comfortable to sit in. To adjust the camber of your car, follow these steps:

  1. Open the door of your car and remove any obstructions that may be in the way. This will allow you access to all of the car’s systems.
  2. Locate and remove any wheel bearings from your vehicle by using a screwdriver or a hammer. Be sure not to damage any other parts of your car while doing this!
  3. Place one or both wheels on an adjustable stand and adjust them until they are at an angle that matches your desired camber level. You can also use a wrench if you have one available, but be careful not to damage other parts of your vehicle while adjusting the wheel bearings!
  4. Close the door of your car and re-install all obstructions that were removed earlier. Now is a good time to test out your new camber level by driving around at different speeds and angles!