If you’re like most people, you probably use the same tools and techniques for years without ever thinking about it. But if you want to improve your Illustrator skills, it’s time to start thinking about how you work. In this article, we’ll show you five ways to change your tools and workflows so that you can create better graphics faster.

  1. Use the Selection Tools One of the most important things to remember when working in Illustrator is that everything is a vector object. This means that when you select something with the Selection Tools, you’re actually selecting a path or outline of pixels on the screen. This makes it easy to modify or edit your selections later on, no matter how small they are. To select something with the Selection Tools, simply click and drag over the area that you want to select. You can also use keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+A (select all), Ctrl+C (copy), and Ctrl+X (cut).
  2. Use Paths Instead of Lines One of the biggest benefits of using vectors is that they can be edited or modified easily without affecting the original image itself. One way to achieve this is by using paths instead of lines whenever possible. Paths are simply outlines created with the Pen Tool or Line Tool, which makes them perfect for creating complex designs or illustrations with lots of detail. To create a path, first draw a line using one of these tools, then press Shift+F5 (or choose Edit > Define Path from the menu bar) to open up the Path dialog box. From here, you can enter in any details that you want (widths, angles, etc.), then hit OK button to create your path. You can also use keyboard shortcuts: Alt+J (create a line), Alt+K (create a curve), and Alt+L (create an arc). ..