If you’re like most people, your Instant Pot is probably one of your favorite kitchen appliances. It’s a quick and easy way to cook up a meal, and it can even be used to make healthy snacks. But if you don’t clean it regularly, the Instant Pot can start to smell bad and become less effective. Here are four tips for cleaning your Instant Pot air fryer:

  1. Use hot water and dish soap: Start by filling the pot with hot water and adding a tablespoon of dish soap. Swish the water around inside the pot until the soap has been dissolved. Pour out the water and use a scrub brush to clean all of the surfaces inside the pot.
  2. Use a vacuum cleaner: If you don’t have access to a scrub brush, you can try using a vacuum cleaner instead. Make sure that you put on rubber gloves before cleaning so that you don’t accidentally touch any of the electrical parts of the Instant Pot. Plug in your vacuum cleaner and turn it on low power before cleaning each section of the pot. Be careful not to damage any of the delicate electronics inside!
  3. Use vinegar: Another option is to use vinegar as your cleaning agent. Fill half of an empty spray bottle with white vinegar and fill up with water until it reaches halfway up the bottle (you may need to add more water if there is too much vinegar). Spray down all of the surfaces inside the pot with this solution, then use a scrub brush to clean everything off. Be sure to rinse off all of the vinegar before using your Instant Pot again!
  4. Clean with baking soda: Finally, if all else fails, try using baking soda as your cleaning agent instead! Fill an empty spray bottle with baking soda and fill up with water until it reaches halfway up the bottle (you may need to add more water if there is too much baking soda). Spray down all of surfaces inside ..