If you have copper pipe in your home, it’s important to keep it clean. Copper is a metal that can corrode if it’s not kept clean. Here are four ways to clean copper pipe:

  1. Use a plunger. Put the plunger over the end of the copper pipe and push and pull the plunger up and down. This will loosen any built-up dirt or debris on the surface of the pipe.
  2. Use a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment. Put the vacuum cleaner tube over the end of the copper pipe and turn on the vacuum cleaner. The suction will pull any dirt or debris off of the surface of the pipe.
  3. Use boiling water and vinegar. Boil some water in a pot and add vinegar to it until it reaches a strong vinegar smell (about 1 cup of vinegar per gallon of water). Pour this mixture into a spray bottle and use it to clean copper pipes by spraying it onto them from several feet away. Be careful not to get any of this mixture onto your skin or clothes, as it can be harmful if ingested.
  4. Use baking soda and water mixture. Dissolve one cup of baking soda in two gallons of warm water (or use cold water if you want to avoid damaging your pipes). Pour this solution into a spray bottle and use it to clean copper pipes by spraying it onto them from several feet away. Be careful not to get any of this mixture onto your skin or clothes, as it can be harmful if ingested ..