Xbox One is a gaming console that has a lot of features. One of its features is the ability to connect to hotel WiFi. This article will show you how to do this using Android. First, you need to find the Xbox One’s WiFi network. To do this, open your device’s Settings and look for “Wi-Fi.” Once you find it, click on it and then select " networks." You’ll see a list of networks that Xbox One can connect to. The first network that you’ll see is the hotel’s WiFi network. If you’re staying in a hotel with an Xbox One built-in WiFi, then the hotel will likely have an Ethernet port on their wall that you can use to connect your Xbox One to the network. If not, then you’ll need to find another way to connect your Xbox One to the hotel WiFi. Once you’ve found the hotel’s WiFi network, open your Android phone and go into its settings. On Android devices, there are three main settings: “network,” “location,” and “wifi.” In “network,” select which wifi connection your device wants to use: local or internet-based? In “location,” choose where in the world your device should search for wifi: in buildings or streets? And in “wifi,” select whether or not you want your device connected automatically when it starts up (this is usually turned off). Once all of these settings are set up, reboot your phone and try connecting to Xbox One using either local or internet-based wifi!