In Illustrator, you can create artboards to help you plan and organize your work. An artboard is a collection of images that you can use to create different types of designs. To create an artboard, open Illustrator and click the New button. In the new window, select a size for your artboard and click OK. Next, choose a typeface for your artboard. You can use any typeface that you like, but we recommend using Arial or Times New Roman because they are popular among artists and they look good on artboards. Next, choose a color for your artboard. You can use any color that you like, but we recommend using black or white because they look good on most boards. Finally, add some text to your artboard. You can use any text that you like, but we recommend using simple text such as “This is an image of my board.” or “This is an image of my board.” This will help people know where their attention should be when looking at your board.