If you’re a modder in the Sims 4 game, then you know that deleting mods can be a challenge. It can be hard to find the right way to delete a mod, and sometimes it’s even harder to know where to start. Here are some tips on how to delete mods in Sims 4:

  1. Start by finding the file that contains the mod you want to delete. This can be done by looking for the file name in the game’s files or by using a search engine.
  2. Once you’ve found the file, open it up and look for the “delete” button at the top of the document. This will take you to a page where you can choose how to delete the file.
  3. If deletion is chosen as an option, then follow these steps: first, select which files need to be deleted together (e.g., all files from a folder). Then click on “delete.” The files will be deleted one at a time, and when they’re all gone, yourmod folder will be empty again!