If you’re a celebrity, you know that having your personal information published online can be a dangerous thing. But if you’re an artist, it can also be a dangerous thing to have your work shared without your permission. To protect yourself from paparazzi and other online trolls, here are some tips:

  1. Make sure you have an account on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. This will allow you to easily share your work with friends and followers, and it will also make it easier for people to find out about new projects you’re working on.
  2. Don’t post photos of yourself without first getting permission from the person in question. This way, they can control who sees the photo and when they do, it won’t be shared widely without their permission.
  3. If someone is following you around or trying to get close to you in public, be careful about how much information you share online. It’s easy for someone to take advantage of someone who is open-minded and trusting but not too trusting themselves.