If you’re a polyvore, there’s a good chance you’ve seen the term “delete polyvore” used in relation to social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. It’s a way of saying that someone has deleted all of their posts from those platforms in order to reduce the number of likes, shares, and messages they receive. The reason for deleting your posts is usually because you’ve received too many messages from people who are not interested in what you have to say. If you’re using social media platforms as an outlet for your creative ideas and thoughts, then it’s important to be aware of how people can use them to spread their own opinions instead of listening to others. One way that polyvores can protect themselves from getting too many messages is by using filters on their social media platforms. For example, on Facebook, you can set up filters that will only allow you to receive messages from people who are friends with you or who have shared similar topics with you before. This will help keep your message limited and more focused on what it is that you want to share. Another way that polyvores can protect themselves is by using email newsletters. Email newsletters are great because they are easy to unsubscribe from and they often include new content that may be of interest to them. This will help keep them up-to-date on what is happening in the world around them and also give them the opportunity to interact with other polyvores who may be able to help them reach their goals.