Steam is a gaming platform that allows users to create and share reviews of games. When a user creates a review, they are given the opportunity to rate the game, its graphics, and its gameplay. The user is also given the option to write a review in their own words. When a user creates a review, they are given the opportunity to rate the game, its graphics, and its gameplay. The user is also given the option to write a review in their own words. However, there are some ways that Steam can delete reviews without warning or explanation. One way that Steam can delete reviews is if the reviewer does not follow Steam’s guidelines for reviewing games. For example, if a reviewer does not mention price points or release dates in their review, Steam may delete it without warning. Another way that Steam can delete reviews is if the reviewer does not have enough followers on their account. This could mean that the reviewer has not been following Valve’s guidelines for reviewing games and may be causing problems for other users. Finally, Steam can also delete reviews if they believe that the review was fake or created by someone who did not actually play the game.