If you’re looking to improve your Photoshop skills, learning how to draw shapes is a great place to start. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to create basic shapes using the Pen tool and the Pathfinder tool. First, let’s start with a simple shape. To create it, open Photoshop and select the Pen tool (P). Next, click and drag inside the document window to create a small circle. When you release the mouse button, Photoshop will automatically fill in the circle with a black fill. Now let’s add some detail to our shape. To do this, select the Pathfinder tool (P) and click and drag inside the circle you just created. When you release the mouse button, Photoshop will automatically create a path around your cursor. You can now use this path as a starting point for further shaping. For example, you can use the Eraser tool (E) to remove unwanted areas or the Blur filter (B) to soften edges. Once you’re happy with your shape, save it as an image file by selecting File > Save As… > Image File (.jpg or .png). You can also use this technique to create more complex shapes such as stars or flowers. So don’t be afraid to experiment - learning how to draw shapes in Photoshop is definitely worth your time! ..