If you’re looking for a zombie survival game that’s not just about running and hiding, but also involves some shooting and melee combat, then DayZ might be the game for you. Developed by Bohemia Interactive, this title is available on PC, Xbox One and PS4. Here’s how to get it on your console. First things first: if you don’t have an Xbox One or PS4, then you’ll need to buy one of those platforms in order to play DayZ. Once you have one of those systems set up, the next step is to download the game from the PlayStation Store or Xbox Store. If you’re playing on PS4, make sure that your system is updated to the latest firmware (3.50 or later) in order to take advantage of all of the features that the console has to offer. Once you’ve downloaded and installed DayZ onto your console, it’s time to start playing! The first thing that you’ll want to do is create a character: there are a lot of different ways that this can be done, but we’ll cover how to do it here specifically for PS4. First off, go into your PlayStation 4’s main menu and select “Create a Character.” You’ll be asked for some basic information about your character (name, gender etc.), after which you’ll be taken into a selection screen where you can choose between three different classes: Soldier (with medium armor), Medic (with heavy armor) or Scout (without any armor). After making your choice, press X/Square on your controller in order to confirm it and move on! Now that we’ve created our character, we need to find somewhere safe to stay while we’re waiting for help from other players online. The first place that comes into mind would probably be our home base - but remember that zombies can break through walls so make sure that they’re well-defended! Another option would be an abandoned building - again ..