If you’re like most people, you probably spend a lot of time in Illustrator designing 3D objects. But if you want to move on to other tasks, there are a few things you can do to get out of 3D. First, make sure your objects are properly organized. If your objects are scattered all over the canvas, it’s harder to work with them. Group them together by type (e.g., shapes, paths, text), and then by layer. This way, you can more easily find what you’re looking for and avoid accidentally deleting something important. Second, use the tools available to you to simplify your design. For example, use the Freeform Pen tool to create smooth curves and shapes without having to worry about precision. And if you need to add detail or change an object’s shape, use the Pathfinder tool instead of starting from scratch. Finally, take some time off from 3D design altogether and switch gears for a bit. Maybe try working on a new project using different tools or techniques? It’ll help refresh your mind and give you new ideas for how to use Illustrator in future projects! ..