If you’re feeling trapped in Photoshop, there are a few things you can do to get yourself out. Here are five tips to help you break free:

  1. Set realistic goals If you’re feeling stuck, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Instead of trying to tackle too many projects at once, set realistic goals for yourself and work on one at a time. This way, you’ll be able to see progress and feel motivated to keep going.
  2. Take breaks If you find yourself getting bogged down in Photoshop, take a break. Go outside for a walk or watch some TV; anything that will help you relax and come back with fresh eyes is good for your productivity.
  3. Use tools that help you stay organized If your workspace is cluttered, it’s harder to stay focused on your work. Try using tools that help keep your files organized and easy to access, like Adobe Bridge or Photoshop’s File Browser. This way, everything is right at your fingertips when you need it!
  4. Use tutorials and resources There’s no shame in asking for help; plenty of experienced professionals rely on tutorials and other resources when they’re struggling with a new task or technique. Search online for user-generated tutorials or consult the Adobe User Guide for Photoshop CS6 (or later) for more specific instructions on how to do something specific in Photoshop. ..