If you’re like most people, you probably cringe when you see artillery fungus growing on your car. The fungus is a type of mold that can cause major damage to your car’s paint job and interior. Fortunately, there are a few ways to get rid of artillery fungus on your car. The first step is to identify the source of the fungus. If it’s growing on the outside of your car, it’s likely coming from rain or snow. If it’s growing inside your car, it may be coming from the air conditioning unit or the heater. Once you know where the fungus is coming from, you can start cleaning it up. To clean artillery fungus off your car, use a mixture of water and vinegar. Wet down the area where the fungus is growing and then pour vinegar over top of that. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes before rinsing it off with water. Be sure to use a cloth to protect your paint job while cleaning; otherwise, you could end up with scratches or gouges in your paintwork. If cleaning isn’t an option, then you may need to remove the artillery fungus completely using an acid treatment or a fungicide spray. Acid treatments work by breaking down the cell walls of the fungi so that they can’t grow back. Fungicide sprays kill all types of fungi by attacking their cells directly. Both treatments require professional help; otherwise, they could damage your car too much for repair or replacement purposes. ..