If you’re like most photographers, you probably have a lot of photos that you’ve taken with your camera that you’d love to be able to edit and improve in Adobe’s Lightroom software. Unfortunately, if you’re using a Mac, importing those photos into Lightroom is a bit of a pain. There are two main ways to import photos from your camera into Lightroom: using the Import dialog box or using the File Browser. In this article, we’ll show you how to use the Import dialog box. To import photos using the Import dialog box, first open Lightroom and select File > New > Import from Camera. The Import dialog box will appear (see Figure 1). Figure 1: The Import dialog box. The first thing you’ll need to do is select the folder where your photos are stored on your computer (see Figure 2). If your photos are in a folder called “Photos,” for example, select that folder in the left column of the Import dialog box. Figure 2: Selecting a folder where your photos are stored on your computer. Next, click on the Select Photos button (see Figure 3). This will open up a window where you can select which photos to import (see Figure 4). You can either click on individual photo files or click on folders containing photo files. If you click on folders containing photo files, Lightroom will scan through all of the files inside those folders and import them into Lightroom as individual images. Figure 3: Clicking on the Select Photos button opens up a window where you can select which photos to import. ..