If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think much about spoilers on cars. After all, they just add a little extra height and stability, right? Wrong. Spoilers can actually be a safety hazard if not installed correctly. Here’s how to install them safely and correctly:

  1. Check your state’s laws first. In most states, spoilers are required by law for certain types of vehicles (like sports cars). If this is the case in your state, make sure to get a permit and follow the instructions provided by your car manufacturer.
  2. Decide what type of spoiler you want to install. There are three main types of spoilers: front-wheel drive (FWD), rear-wheel drive (RWD), and four-wheel drive (4WD). FWD spoilers increase stability at high speeds by adding height to the front end of the car; RWD spoilers increase stability by adding width to the rear end; and 4WD spoilers combine both features to create maximum stability in all directions.
  3. Measure your car’s height and width. Use these measurements to choose the right spoiler for your vehicle. For example, if your car is 2 inches taller than it is wide, choose a FWD spoiler that is 2 inches wide by 4 inches tall.
  4. Install the spoiler using screws or bolts that are long enough so that they will reach through the roof panel and into the chassis of the car beneath it (or through holes in either panel). Make sure that the screws or bolts are tight enough so that they won’t come loose during driving; if they do, they can cause serious damage to both your car and yourself! ..