When you’re driving, it’s important to be aware of the left and right side of your car. The left side is typically the more powerful side, and it’s responsible for most of the vehicle’s performance. The right side is typically the more passive side, and it’s responsible for most of the vehicle’s performance. To judge which side your car is on, look at its front end. On a car with a normal front end, the left-hand side will be higher than the right-hand side. This is because on a car with a normal front end, the engine sits on top of the gearbox and drivetrain. So if you look at a car from behind, you’ll see that its front end will be on an angle towards the ground - this is because it has been designed this way in order to allow for more power from its engine on the left-hand side. The same principle applies to cars with sports cars or coupes - these have specially designed fronts that are angled towards the ground in order to allow more power from their engines on either side of the car.