If you’re ever locked out of your car, the best way to get back in is to use a key fob. This is a small, electronic device that you insert into the ignition keyhole and press the button to unlock your car. It’s a great way to keep your car unlocked while you’re away, and it’s also a great way to avoid losing your keys. Here are some tips on how to use a key fob:

  1. Make sure that the key fob is properly plugged into the car’s power outlet. If it isn’t, it may not work.
  2. Insert the key fob into the ignition keyhole. The button on top should be facing down.
  3. Press and hold the button for about two seconds until you hear a sound like an alarm going off. The sound will stop when you release the button.
  4. If everything went well, your car will now be unlocked! If not, try again later by pressing and holding the button for about two seconds until you hear another sound like an alarm going off (this time, it should start working).