There are a few things you need to know before starting to make a tapered brush in Photoshop. First, the brush needs to be created with a specific width and height. Second, the brush needs to be created with a specific shape. Finally, the brush needs to be set up so that it can be used as a filter. To create the tapered brush, first create a new layer and name it “brush”. Next, select the Brush tool and click on the thumbnail of your desired width and height. The resulting window will show you how your new brush will look. You can change the dimensions of your new brush by clicking on one of the dimensions in the window and then clicking on OK. Now that you have your new brush, it’s time to start creating some basic shapes with it. To start, select the Pen tool and click on one of your desired shapes in the Brushes palette. Then use your mouse wheel to move your cursor around until you’ve created some basic shapes with your new tapered brush. You can also use this same technique to create more complex shapes by using more than one type of pen at once. Once you’ve created some basic shapes with your new tapered Brush, it’s time to start using them as filters in Photoshop! To do this, first open up Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and then use your mouse wheel to move around until you’ve made some basic blur effects with your new tapered Brush. You can also use this same technique to create more complex blur effects by using more than one type of filter at once.