If you’re like most people, your car’s air freshener is a quick and easy way to make it smell nice. But like most things in life, making car air freshener last longer is easier said than done. Here are a few tips to help:

  1. Use the right scent. If you want your car to smell like lemons, for example, use a lemon-scented air freshener. But if you want it to smell like vanilla, use a vanilla-scented air freshener.
  2. Don’t overuse it. Car air fresheners are meant to be used every once in a while, not every day. Overusing them can actually damage the scent of the air freshener and make it less effective over time.
  3. Keep it clean. Just like your house, your car needs to be kept clean in order for it to smell good. If there are any dirt or dust particles on the air freshener, they will block the scent from reaching your car’s interior ..