If you’re looking to make some extra cash in your spare time, you can turn to Photoshop for help. In this article, we’ll show you how to create gold and silver images in Photoshop using various techniques. First, we’ll start with the basic steps of creating a gold or silver image. To do this, open up Photoshop and create a new document. You can use any size or resolution that you want, but we recommend using at least 1000 pixels wide by 2000 pixels high. Once your document is ready, let’s get started! To create a gold or silver image in Photoshop, first start by selecting the desired color of gold or silver from the Tools palette. Next, use the Brush tool to paint over your image with a light brushstroke. Be sure to vary the brush size and pressure as you paint to get the desired effect. Finally, use the Dodge tool (or another appropriate tool) to darken any areas that are too light or highlight areas that are too dark. Once your image is complete, it’s time to add some detail. To do this, use the Clone Stamp tool (or another appropriate tool) and clone small details onto your image using a low opacity setting. Be sure to experiment with different settings until you get the look that you’re after. Finally, it’s time to add some texture! To do this, use the Filter menu and select Texture > Add Noise > Gaussian Blur > Low (or another appropriate setting). This will add some random noise texture onto your image which will give it that aged look. Be sure to play around with different settings until you get the look that you’re after! ..