When you’re playing a video game, it’s important to be able to capture your gameplay in order to later study and improve your skills. There are a few different ways to do this, but the most common is to use a game controller. There are two main types of controllers: the PlayStation Move and the PlayStation 4’s DualShock 4. The PlayStation Move is a motion-sensing controller that allows you to move your character around in 3D space. It’s not as accurate as a traditional controller, but it can be used for more creative gameplay. The DualShock 4 is an all-in-one controller that has two joysticks and four buttons. It’s perfect for playing games with friends online or in co-operative mode. ichever way you choose to record your gameplay, make sure you have enough space on your console for both the game controller and the recording software. You can also use an external microphone if you want to capture sound directly into your console’s microphone instead of using the built-in speaker. Once you’ve recorded your gameplay, make sure to save it so that you can access it later on when you need to improve or practice your skills.