If you have ever had to remove oil from car paint, you know it can be a messy and time-consuming process. Here are four tips for getting the job done quickly and easily.

  1. Use a degreaser. A degreaser like Simple Green will break down the oil molecules and make them easier to remove. Just be sure to dilute the solution before using it on your car paint, as too much of the chemical could damage the finish.
  2. Use a scrub brush. A stiff scrub brush will help loosen up any stubborn oil droplets on your car paint surface. Be careful not to scratch the finish!
  3. Use a bucket and water. Pour some water into a bucket and add some dish soap or shampoo, if desired. Swish the solution around until it is clean, then use the bucket to pour it over your car paint surface. Be sure to rinse off all of the soap before proceeding with step 4!
  4. Use a vacuum cleaner and bucket combination. If step 3 didn’t work well enough to get rid of all of the oil droplets, try using a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment instead! Pour clean water into the bucket, attach the hose, and turn on the vacuum cleaner until all of the water is sucked up into the machine - be careful not to splash any liquid onto your car paint surface while doing this! Once everything is clean, rinse off everything with fresh water before proceeding with step 5 below ..