If you’re like most people, you probably polish your shoes regularly. But if you’ve ever tried to polish your shoes on the window of your car, you know it’s not easy. The polish sticks to the glass and is hard to remove. Here are four tips for removing shoe polish from car windows:

  1. Use a hairdryer. If you have a hairdryer, use it to heat up the glass until the polish starts to melt. Then use a cloth or a piece of paper towel to rub the melted polish off the glass.
  2. Use boiling water. Boil some water and pour it over the shoe polish on the window. Let it sit for about 30 seconds, then use a cloth or paper towel to rub it off the glass.
  3. Use acetone nail polish remover. If you have acetone nail polish remover, use it to remove the shoe polish from the window. Be careful not to get acetone on your hands or clothes; it can be very harmful if ingested.
  4. Use a vacuum cleaner and bucket set up as a suction cup cleaner . Put some newspaper in the bottom of the bucket and place the vacuum cleaner tube over top of that newspaper so that when you turn on the vacuum cleaner, air pressure will cause liquid soap suds to be pushed up through the tube and onto the newspaper where they can be easily wiped away with a cloth or paper towel ..