If you want to create a professional-looking video in Photoshop, there are a few things you need to know. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to render a video in Photoshop using the latest tools and techniques. First, you’ll need to create your video project. You can use any software or tools that you want, but we recommend using Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro for their powerful editing capabilities. Once your project is created, open up Photoshop and start by importing your footage into the program. You can use any method that works for you: if your footage is in a file format like AVI or MP4, just drag and drop it into Photoshop. If your footage is in a different format like JPEG or PNG, first convert it to one of those formats before importing it into Photoshop. Once your footage is imported into Photoshop, the next step is to start rendering your video. To do this, open up the Video Render tool (Window > Video Render) and click on the “New” button at the top of the window. This will open up a new render window where you can configure all of the settings for your video render. The most important setting here is “Video Resolution.” This setting determines how high resolution (in pixels) your final video will be. You can choose from several different resolutions: 1920x1080 (HD), 1280x720 (SD), 1024x576 (DVD-quality), or even 640x480 (TV-quality). If you’re not sure which resolution to choose, we recommend choosing one of the higher resolutions like HD or SD because they produce higher quality videos overall. After setting the “Video Resolution” setting, click on the “Render” button at the top of the window and wait for Photoshop to finish rendering your video. When it’s done, simply save it as an MP4 file by clicking on the “Save As” button and selecting “MP4” as its file type option ..