If you’re like most people, you probably have a few favorite ringtones on your Android phone. Whether it’s a catchy tune from your favorite band or an old favorite from when you were a kid, there’s likely one that you love and can’t help but play when you’re not actually using the phone. But what if you want to change or add a new ringtone to your phone without having to go through the hassle of downloading and installing a new app? There are several ways to do this on Android, and we’ll show you how in this article.

  1. Open the Settings app and select “Sound & Audio.” This will open the sound settings for your device.
  2. Scroll down until you find “Ringtones.” This will list all of the currently installed ringtones on your device. If there are any that interest you, tap on them and select “Add to playlist.” If all of your ringtones are listed under “Ringtones,” then just tap on “Create New Playlist” and name it something catchy (like “New Ringtone”).
  3. Tap on “Add to playlist” again and select the newly created playlist as your default ringtone for when you need to hear it without having to remember where it is or which app it came from.