If you’re like most car enthusiasts, you love tinkering with your car. Whether it’s fixing a leaky faucet or upgrading the stereo, there’s always something to be done. One of the simplest and most common upgrades is adding new car speakers. But before you buy any new speakers, you need to make sure they’re compatible with your vehicle. To test speaker wire polarity, use a multimeter. First, connect one end of the speaker wire to the positive (+) terminal on your multimeter and the other end to the negative (-) terminal. Next, connect one end of a ground wire (usually green or black) to the multimeter’s ground terminal and the other end to an unpainted metal part of your car chassis (like a bolt). Now turn on your multimeter and wait for it to reach room temperature. If everything is working properly, the multimeter should read 0 volts when connected to either terminal and 5 volts when connected to both terminals simultaneously. If something is wrong with your speaker wiring, you’ll see an incorrect reading on your multimeter. For example, if your speaker wires are reversed (positive towards negative and negative towards positive), you’ll see 12 volts when connected to both terminals simultaneously. If everything looks good and there are no errors reading on your multimeter, then congratulations! You’ve successfully tested speaker wire polarity! ..