Minecraft is a popular game that can be played on many different platforms, but one of the most popular versions is the PS4 version. If you’re new to Minecraft or just want to learn how to use keyboard and mouse on PS4, this guide will teach you everything you need to know. First, make sure that your keyboard and mouse are compatible with PS4. If they aren’t, you may not be able to play the game properly. Second, open Minecraft and select “Options” from the main menu. Under “Input,” make sure that “Keyboard & Mouse” is selected and click on the “Settings” button next to it. Now, under “Mouse Settings,” you will need to set up your mouse preferences. First, choose which hand your mouse will use (left or right), then choose which button your mouse uses for clicking (left or right). Finally, choose how fast your cursor moves (slow or normal). Make sure that all of these settings match what you are using on your computer! Now it’s time to set up keyboard preferences. First, make sure that Num Lock is off so that numbers don’t show up as letters when typed in game. Next, type in a number using the number keys on your keyboard and press Enter/Return when finished. You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move around in game. To exit out of settings mode and return to Minecraft gameplay, press Esc once again. ..