Strafe Apex is a new first-person shooter game for the PlayStation 4 that has players using a variety of weapons to take down enemies. Here are some tips on how to use Strafe Apex effectively. Strafe Apex is a fast-paced, first-person shooter game that has players using a variety of weapons to take down enemies. The controls are simple: Players use the left analog stick to move around and the right analog stick to aim and fire. To move quickly through the levels, it’s important to master strafing. Strafing is simply moving side to side while keeping your gun pointed in the same direction. This allows you to dodge enemy fire and move quickly through tight spaces. When it comes time to take down enemies, Strafe Apex offers players a variety of weapons at their disposal. The assault rifle is powerful but slow, while the sniper rifle can take out enemies from long distances with ease. It’s also important to keep an eye out for grenades – they can be used both offensively and defensively, allowing players to take out groups of enemies or protect themselves from incoming fire. ..