If you’re like most people, you probably use your phone primarily to make calls and send text messages. But if you have a disability, or just prefer using a different mode of communication, there’s a good chance you’re using text-to-speech (TTS) mode on your Android phone. TTS is great for people who have difficulty speaking or hearing. You can use it to read text messages, emails, and other notifications aloud. And it’s really easy to use: just open the app you want to use TTS for, tap the three lines in the top left corner that say “Text-to-Speech,” and start talking. Here are some tips for using TTY mode on your Android phone:

  1. Make sure your phone is properly configured. You need to enable TTY mode in Settings > Language & Keyboard > Text-to-Speech.
  2. Choose the right app. Some apps—like Gmail—allow you to type in any message and have TTS read it aloud; others, like WhatsApp, require that you select a message from your inbox or chat history before TTS will start reading it aloud.
  3. Practice! Before using TTY mode for the first time, practice reading short phrases aloud until you get used to the sound of your voice being interpreted as text onscreen.
  4. Keep an eye on battery life. Because TTY mode uses up more battery power than normal texting or calling behavior, be sure to conserve energy by turning off TTY when not needed ..