Netflix is one of the most popular streaming services on the internet. It offers a wide variety of movies and TV shows to watch, and it’s easy to use. To watch Netflix on your TV with ATT Uverse, you’ll need an ATT account and a compatible TV. You can either sign up for a free trial or pay for a monthly subscription. Once you have an ATT account, you can sign in to your account and select “Netflix.” Then, under “Account Settings,” you’ll need to set up your password. Once you’ve set up your password, click on “Create New Account.” Next, under “Netflix Settings,” you’ll need to set up your preferences. Under “General,” you’ll need to set up how long the Netflix logo will stay on screen after each episode has been watched. You can also choose whether or not to have ads appear during playback. Finally, under “Privacy,” you’ll need to set how much data Netflix will use when streaming your content. Once these settings are complete, click on “Create Account.” After creating an account, enter in your email address and password so that Netflix knows who you are and can contact you if there are any problems with watching their content.