Tales of Berseria is a game with a lot of characters. Some are likable, some are despicable, and some are just plain weird. But which characters are the best? Here are ten of the most memorable and interesting characters in Tales of Berseria. 10. Velvet – Velvet is one of the more complex and interesting characters in Tales of Berseria. She’s a mercenary who has been through a lot, including being tortured by the empire. She’s also fiercely independent and doesn’t take kindly to anyone telling her what to do. 9. Guts – Guts is one of the most iconic characters in all of anime and manga history, so it’s no surprise that he makes an appearance in Tales of Berseria as well. He’s an incredibly badass swordsman who has faced down many challenges in his life, both physical and emotional. 8. Casca – Casca is one half of the infamous Black Swordsman duo known as The Black Witch and The White Wolf. She was once a member of the empire but rebelled against them after witnessing their atrocities firsthand. Casca is fierce fighter with a heart full of vengeance, making her one dangerous opponent indeed! 7. Serah Farron – Serah Farron is one half-elven princess who was taken from her home by an evil sorcerer named Zemus thousands years ago. After being rescued by Lightning Returns protagonist Aigis she joins forces with him to find her way home again before Zemus can use her power to rule over all humanity! 6. Noel – Noel is another complex character who you can’t help but sympathize with despite his questionable actions throughout Tales of Berseria . He was once a member of SOLDIER but betrayed his comrades and joined forces with Griffith to overthrow Dormin the god king and take over Midgard! But at what cost? You’ll have to ..