Gurren Lagann is one of the most popular anime series of all time, and for good reason. The characters are lovable and the story is exciting. In this Top 10 list, we rank the best Gurren Lagann characters based on their importance to the series and how much we enjoy watching them. 10. Kamina – Kamina is one of the main characters in Gurren Lagann and he’s always up for a good fight. He’s also a bit of a jokester which makes him fun to watch. 9. Simon – Simon is Kamina’s best friend and partner in crime. He’s always there for Kamina, no matter what happens. 8. Yoko – Yoko is Simon’s girlfriend and fellow member of Team Dai-Gurren. She’s strong-willed and determined, which makes her an excellent ally to have on your side. 7. Lordgenome – Lordgenome is one of the most powerful beings in the universe and he plays a major role in Gurren Lagann’s plotlines from time to time. He can be quite intimidating at times, but that just makes him all the more interesting to watch! 6. Nia Teppelin – Nia Teppelin is one of Lordgenome’s subordinates and she serves as his right-hand woman throughout much of the series. She has a lot of power herself, which makes her an interesting character to watch unfold over time. 5. Viral – Viral is another important character in Gurren Lagann who plays a big role in its overall plotline (though he doesn’t always make it easy on our heroes). He can be quite unpredictable, making him an exciting foe to face off against on occasion! ..