Fallout 4 is a game that allows players to explore the post-apocalyptic world of Boston. The game features a wide variety of weapons, and one of the most popular is the heavy weapon. Here are the top 10 best heavy weapons in Fallout 4. 10. Fat Man – The Fat Man is a powerful nuclear weapon that can devastate enemies with its massive blast radius. It can also be used as a powerful melee weapon, dealing significant damage to enemies close up. 9. Minigun – The Minigun is one of the most popular heavy weapons in Fallout 4 because it’s versatile and deadly. It can fire rapid rounds that deal significant damage to enemies, making it perfect for taking down large groups of enemies quickly. 8. Laser Rifle – The Laser Rifle is another powerful weapon in Fallout 4 that can deal serious damage to enemies from a distance. Its accurate shots make it perfect for taking down targets at long range, making it an ideal choice for players who want to stay safe while still inflicting damage on their opponents. 7. Rocket Launcher – The Rocket Launcher is another powerful weapon in Fallout 4 that can deal massive damage to enemy targets from a distance. Its high rate of fire makes it perfect for taking down large groups of enemies quickly, making it an ideal choice for players who want to take down their opponents quickly and efficiently. 6 . Assault Rifle – The Assault Rifle is one of the most popular firearms in Fallout 4 because its high rate of fire makes it perfect for taking down large groups of enemies quickly and efficiently. Its accuracy also makes it an ideal choice for players who want to stay safe while still inflicting damage on their opponents. 5 . Hunting Rifle – The Hunting Rifle is another popular firearm in Fallout 4 because its high rate of fire makes it perfect for taking down large groups of enemies quickly and efficiently, as well as its accuracy which means you won’t miss your target often if you hit them with ..