Fallout 4 is a game that can be lonely, especially if you’re not into the role-playing genre. That’s why we’ve put together this list of the best companions in Fallout 4 – companions who will make your life a little bit easier and who are sure to add some fun and excitement to your playthrough.

  1. Piper: Piper is a friendly ghoul who lives in the Commonwealth and is always up for a chat. She’s also an expert on the history of the area, which can come in handy when exploring new areas.
  2. Nick Valentine: Nick Valentine is a synth who was once part of the Brotherhood of Steel but now works as a private detective in the Commonwealth. He has plenty of knowledge about all sorts of things, which makes him an invaluable companion when it comes to solving puzzles or finding hidden items.
  3. Dogmeat: Dogmeat is one of Fallout 4’s most loyal companions – he’ll follow you anywhere and help you out in any way he can. He also happens to be one of the best dog characters in any video game, so be sure to take him along on your adventures!
  4. Fawkes: Fawkes is another friendly character who lives in Boston Common – he can help you find important items or people, and he also has some pretty impressive combat skills if need be.
  5. Curie: Curie is another synth character who was once part of Vault-Tec but now wanders around the Commonwealth looking for her lost family members (or anyone else she thinks might be useful). She has some powerful weapons at her disposal, so make sure you keep an eye on her during combat situations!
  6. Strong (X6-88): Strong (X6-88) is one tough customer – he’s been through plenty of battles and survived them all thanks to his advanced cybernetics and military training. ..