There are many reasons why people might Photoshop models. Some people do it for fun, while others do it as a way to improve their skills or to create more realistic images. Whatever the reason, there is one common denominator: the models are often made to look better than they actually are. When you take a model and Photoshop it, you’re essentially changing the shape and size of the model so that it looks more realistic. But when you do this with any real-world object, you’re likely changing the shape and size of something that’s not actually there. The result is an image that’s either too unrealistic or too fake. There are a few ways to avoid this problem. One is to use a model that has been created specifically for Photoshop purposes. Another is to use a source image that’s already been edited in some way so that it looks realistic before you start editing it in Photoshop. Finally, if you’re going to be editing an image on your own, make sure that you have enough control over the dimensions of the model so that you can create an accurate replica without having to rely on someone else’s help.